Paradoxical Echoes Wiki


Red Rock Fields

Red Rock Grow Fields are underground

The Great Volcano District is the administrative designation (Administrative District) given to the Red Rock Grow Fields on the Capital World in the Kingdom of Jod. Despite it's stunning year-around views of almost non-stop flowing lava and erupting volcanoes, the district is strictly off limits to civilians and all other non-essential government & military personnel. Additionally, the district is the breeding ground to the Capital World's dragon population and is a government-protected area from dragon poaching. The presence of dragons make any air travel particularly dangerous, especially during breeding season, and sea travel is dangerous year-around with 10 massive whirlpools (which are actually 10 separate groups of hundreds of smaller whirlpools in close proximity of each other) that surround the continent. Unlike more common & smaller whirlpools, these massive whirlpool groups are very dangerous to maritime ships, and in total are the size of 50 Australia's a piece or 165,000,000 square miles in total size per each one. What causes these whirlpools is thought to be the same strange underground continental phenomenon that causes nearly year-around erupting volcanoes in the district, but even that scientific guess is vague and unsupported in even the most liberal scientific circles.

Kingdom of Jod The Great Volcano District

Despite it's high security of 6 System Bases, several dozen Army Forts, hundreds of Local Garrisons, and countless Outposts scattered across the continent, there are several Scientific Travel Exception Certificates given to select government sponsored and non-profit scientific research organizations each year, who study the district's natural environment. Such scientists & other staff with them are under heavy guard (typically a squad or two of Infantryman, depending on the size of the scientific group) and are kept away from highly restricted areas, military exclusion zones, and no-fly zones in the district.
