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The New Imperial Political Document (NIP) was drawn up during the closing months of the mostly useless Borderlands-Slice-Core Worlds Imperial Civil War of 4 ABY to 5.5 ABY. The NIP was designed by the Imperial Security Bureau and the Commission for the Preservation of the New Order along with the Imperial Ruling Council, to keep the core foundations of the Empire intact while also being able to bend and adapt to the future. While the document was carefully designed to keep power to the Imperial Ruling Council and Imperial Security Bureau, it did do some forward thinking changes to help the limited powerful bodies keep that control:

  • It abolished the Galactic Empire's long standing xenophobia towards aliens within the Imperial Military; mainly, aliens were granted the same rights to serve in the Imperial Military without limiting exceptions because of their species. Some notable exceptions did exist, mainly for security reasons. Service within the Imperial Military became many a alien's ticket to "true freedom" within the New Order, as service guaranteed citizenship (see below).
  • It established that military service guarantees citizenship (see Starship Troopers' citizen, see Mandatory Service Commitment), making the difference between an Imperial Civilian and an Imperial Citizen for males only. Females were exempt from these requirements. Service could be started between the ages of 18 and 35 (completed by age 38) and lasted for 2 years plus basic training and any specialized training added in addition to the 2 years. An Imperial Citizen had access to service in political office, able to reproduce more than 1 child without fines & fees, qualified for government assistance programs, and had voting rights; Imperial Civilians did not have these benefits. Exceptions were made in rare specific circumstances for those who did not serve, but an honorable discharge or general discharge was mandatory to achieve Imperial Citizenship for those who did serve. Women had to apply for these benefits if they did not serve in the military (roughly 60% of all applicants were rejected without prior military service for various reasons).
  • It kept Ars Dangor as part of the Imperial Ruling Council (making the council 5 strong including Sate Pestage)
  • It kept the Imperial Court mostly intact, expect for the defunct positions of Grand Moffs (see below)
  • It established that the Galactic Emperor and Imperial Ruling Council were appointments for life. Imperial Throne succession was clearly held within the power of the Imperial Ruling Council to elect the next Emperor, followed by the Imperial Court in the event the Council was unavailable.
  • It abolished the position of Grand Moff (see Imperial Senator below)
  • It reestablished the Imperial Senate to its pre-Battle of Yavin representation over their sectors with the Imperial Regent (or Galactic Emperor) overseeing the Imperial Senate.
  • It limited the Galactic Emperor or Imperial Regent's power to overrule the Imperial Senate; it established that the Emperor had to present just cause to overrule any bill or legislation from the Imperial Senate, mainly showing its harm to Imperial aims or Imperial citizens. The Imperial Ruling Council would then decide if the Emperor or Regent's aims were justified and if they were, the Emperor or Regent could overrule the Imperial Senate.
  • It limited the Imperial Senate's ability to override the Galactic Emperor or Imperial Regent by having to have a 3/4's vote to overrule the Emperor or Regent.
  • It re-empowered the Imperial Supreme Court, but in reality, made it a puppet to the Galactic Emperor and Imperial Ruling Council in conflicts with the Imperial Senate.
  • It appointed nine duly elected Associate Planetary Representatives for every Imperial Sector to assist---but not vote---for the three Imperial Senators (every Imperial Senator had 3 Associates)
  • It appointed 12 duly elected Imperial judges for every Imperial Sector who oversaw planetary & community judges, as well as oversaw the highest legal cases in their Imperial Sector
  • It kept Imperial Governors in charge of local planets
    • Imperial Governors reported to Imperial Senators and Moffs
    • Imperial Governors were appointed to office by the local Moff for upwards to life or discharged from office at the Moff's wishes.
    • Imperial Governors had near absolute power over their planets, however, they could be overruled by the Imperial Senators in a 2 of 3 Senator vote on local matters. On military matters, Moffs could override them at will.
  • It established that Imperial Senators had to be reelected every 4 years (max terms were 20 years), Associate Planetary Representatives every 6 years (max terms of 30 years), Imperial Judges every 4 years (max terms of 20 years), Imperial Moffs could serve up to life and were appointed by the Imperial Ruling Council or Galactic Emperor, and that Imperial Governors were appointed by Moffs for up to life terms.