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The Celestial Monitoring Officer (CMO) is in charge of celestial cartography aboard a starship in the Space Navy Force. Not only do CMO's chart deep space & planets and navigate travel through less traveled or unknown regions of space, their also in charge of making new hyperspace routes or extending & fixing established ones.

The minimum entry level requirement is to be an Naval Ensign or higher in rank with extensive education in astronomy (a Master's Degree & a Bachelor's Degree) and additional education in Mathematics (a Master's Degree) & cartography (an Associate's Degree) from the Naval Science College. Civilians may also apply for the position through the Navy Reserve Force, which is roughly 70% of all CMO's, because of the high education demand for the position. The CMO is a coveted position, both within the Kingdom's Navy and outside in the civilian sector. The Deferred Academy to Celestial & Oceanography Monitoring Program (DACO) prepares everyday people to become Celestial Monitoring Officers outside the Naval Officer Corps' academy training.

Typically, a Naval Ensign through the traditional military academy system completes his or her's initial 4 years of training at the academy---graduates with a degree in astronomy (Celestial Monitoring Officer, CMO) or oceanography (Oceanography Monitoring Officer, OMO)---then serves at least 1 year aboard a starship (or surface vessel for OMO) as a Celestial Monitoring Officer apprentice. After their service, they go & complete their Associate's Degree in cartography & Master's Degree in astronomy (or Oceanography) in 2 years. After their completed 2 additional years of education, they serve another year as an apprentice, before returning and completing a Master's Degree in mathematics in 2 years. After 4 years of additional education & 2 years serving as an "apprentice," they serve 1 final year as an apprentice.

Upon completion of their 3rd & last year of apprenticeship, they are released on their own to act as a "Senior" Celestial Monitoring Officer and agreeing to serve an additional 5 years in the Kingdom's Navy (making the officer's enlist 15 years plus their academy years (19 in total) without retirement benefits, unless they serve an additional 5 years past their 15. "Chief" Celestial Monitoring Officers and Oceanography Monitoring Officers must be free of their apprenticeship for at least 5 years before they can attain this sought after military career achievement.
